I want to coach...
There are currently two recognised avenues to choose to become a qualified BMX coach.
British Cycling – to become a qualified British Cycling BMX Coach you must firstly complete the Level 2 Coaching Cycling course. ‘The Level 2 Coaching Certificate enables coaches to independently plan, deliver and evaluate a series of cycling activity sessions to groups of beginner and intermediate level children or adults. The course is run over three days,
usually with a period of eight weeks between Days 2 and 3. Following the successful completion of this course, the prospective coach can then take the Level 2 BMX Award. The award will give you all the knowledge and information you need to progress riders from their first session on a BMX track up to their first competition. This is a 2-day course which is composed of seven compulsory modules.’ The Level 2 course costs £395 per person followed by £195 for the Level 2 BMX Award.
CTC - THE MTB Skills Instructor Urban skills course ‘fits the niche for those providing skills instruction and development within contained areas, such as BMX and jump tracks, or small on-site facilities.’ The course takes 12 hours over 2 days and costs £215 per person.
Paulo Cotrim, London Coach of the Year 2013
"I never thought that I could work with something that I love so much. Since I got involved with the BMX Legacy Project it has changed my life and now I have the coolest job I could think of."
Find out more...
Access Sport offers bursaries for people interested in becoming involved in BMX coaching. Please contact us to find out more or Find a Club to get involved.