New BMX tracks built and new clubs launched in west London
In June 2014, the BMX Legacy Programme saw the launch of 2 brand new BMX tracks and 3 new BMX clubs in west London.

In Hammersmith & Fulham, an innovative new BMX play track has opened at Wormwood Scrubs, just off Woodmans Mews. The track, which opened on June 21st, is the new home of Hammersmith BMX Club and club sessions for all ages and abilities run from 1pm – 3pm every Saturday. Thanks go to Affinity Sutton, Hammersmith & Fulham Council and Sport England for their funding and support.

Further north in Brent, a brand new BMX track has been built as part of a family cycling centre on Chalkhill open space. The BMX track is in the shadow of the famous Wembley National Stadium arch and renovates and previously disused play space. The new Brent BMX Club started its club sessions on June 14th and will operate every Saturday from 10am to 12pm at the. Thanks to Brent Council for the vision to build a new BMX track in their borough.

In Ealing, the BMX track at Gurnell Leisure centre has been in place since September 2012 but until now there has been no regular structured activity on offer. Fortunately, the new Ealing BMX Club has fantastic support from Ealing Skatepark Association who operate from the concrete skatepark adjacent. Expectations are high that the new club sessions that started on June 14th will be a roaring success.