ROUND 2!! London BMX School Games
At the beginning of the academic year we staged the first ever London BMX School Games at the Burgess Park BMX track with two schools in attendance and just over 20 participants. Friday the 21st of November saw us top that significantly. Alongside the fundraising team, Access Sport had use of the Velodrome whilst the BMX team hosted 6 schools and 60 students at the BMX track for Round 2 of the London BMX School Games.

The games were an opportunity to make use of the 2012 Olympic legacy venue and engaged some kids who otherwise might never have competed in a BMX race. Most of the students involved in the race had been attending BMX Community Outreach sessions that have been going on at schools during P.E. lessons therefore being involved in a racing competition was good to show the progress they’ve made.

It was a good day out for the kids involved as they not only got to race but got to observe Quillan Isidore - 2012: UCI Boys 16 World champion, 3 time: British Junior champion 2 time: National champion and Tre Whyte – who won bronze in the UCI BMX World Championships. Both who are Access Sport ambassadors.[Pictured below]

The plaudits went to Charter and Bow School, who won the boys and girls competitions respectively. Other schools present were Central Foundation Girls’ School, Ian Mirkado, Oaklands and Bacons College. However no one left empty handed as all competitors were given medals and goody bags curtesy of Source BMX for taking part.
These games have been a good start and have created a foundation to move forward. The plan is to establish this as an annual competition and increase the number of schools and pupils taking part. For those who take part, hopefully the games would be a good platform for them to become engaged in the sport and participate more regularly and join a club as they try to improve and become competitive.

More pictures can be found at
Contact Access Sport/London BMX to get your school into the next competition in 2015
Credit: Helen Cuttill
Samantha Chitabura